Protecting Pets and Animals

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How can I protect my pets during a heatwave?

-Provide Fresh Water: 
Ensure your pets have access to fresh, cool water at all times in a tip-proof bowl to prevent 

-Limit Exercise: 
Avoid forcing animals to exercise in hot and humid conditions. Instead, walk them during the cooler 
hours of the day and limit outdoor activities on hot days. Avoid exercising them during the hottest 
parts of the day from 11 AM - 4 PM. 

-Protect Paws: 
Walk your pets in the grass or shade to prevent their paws from burning on hot surfaces like asphalt. 
If surfaces are too hot, wet them with water before letting your pets walk on them. DO THE TARMAC 
TEST! If you can’t comfortably hold your hand on the tarmac for five seconds, then postpone your 
walk until it’s cooler.

-Avoid Overheating: 
- Never leave your pet in a hot vehicle, even for a few minutes, as temperatures inside a car can quickly 
become dangerously high. 
- Provide different temperature zones within your house for your pet’s 
- Give your pet damp towels to lie on (never place a damp towel over your dog as this can trap the 
heat or leave an ice pack wrapped in a towel for them to lie near).

-Recognize Signs of Heat Stress: 
Be vigilant for signs of heat-related illness in pets, such as excessive panting, restlessness, drooling, 
unsteadiness, and abnormal gum and tongue colour. Seek emergency veterinary care if you observe 
these signs. Take care - flat-faced, overweight, unwell and older dogs are at an increased risk of 