Know Your Sugar


In 2022, a campaign of 8-month duration targeting people of all ages including babies, children, parents, youths, adults and older adults entitled ‘Know your Sugar’ was organised by the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate. All this was carried out in light of reducing obesity which has soared during the Covid 19 pandemic and other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers which are related to obesity.

The main aim of the campaign was to increase knowledge within the population by providing information about sugar in a way which is simple, straightforward and informative. It addressed the myths around sugar, provided information on hidden sugars found in food and beverages, the different types of sugar, how they are used as well as gave consumers guidance on how to read labels on foods and drinks to choose healthier alternatives when shopping. Messages were disseminated via radio adverts, radio interviews, billboards across Malta, our social media channels such as our facebook page, Instagram, Twitter and rollups. A survey was carried out pre campaign and another one is being carried out post campaign. We have worked with schools where practical sessions such as quizzes, cooking sessions were organized during summer schools, elderly communities and different workplaces whereby educational sessions were given on this topic and sugar display was organized to portray the hidden sugar in foods and drinks in prominent areas such as Mater Dei foyer.  An article was also published in the Senior Times. Another aim was to work with key policy makers and stakeholders on achieving an enabling environment in particular through introducing agreements on food reformulation, sugar taxation and other fiscal incentives to make the healthier choice the easier choice.

Through the ‘Know your Sugar’ campaign, HPDP worked hard towards practical solutions to solve a complex issue. In addition to educating the next generation on the importance of a balanced and varied diet, HPDP will be supporting, schools, workplaces and the general public by providing education and changes within the community even after the campaign ends.



An educational session on Diabetes and its prevention was given to a group of older adults at Mellieha Local Council. Following the talk those interested had their blood pressure checked, blood glucose monitored and the body mass index calculated.


Awareness about sugar was raised among older adults. HPDP nutritionists disseminated educational information among older adults attending day centres located in different areas around Malta.


A workplace outreach in relation to the campaign ‘Know your Sugar’ was carried out for the staff working at the Education Department Floriana. HPDP staff performed health checks such as blood pressure, blood glucose monitoring and body mass index testing.Nutritional advice was given to the employees and an online nutrtion talk in relation to sugar and sugar consumption was held.


The Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate is collaborating with Apex Group Ltd to organise a health week for their employees.  Today a nutritional educational session by one of our nutrtionists was held at Apex premises in B’Kara. Various educational material including recipe books were disseminated among their staff.


During the ‘Know your sugar’ Campaign HPDP has collaborated with Foundation for Educational Services and organised cooking sessions with students attending Summer school. The nutritionists informed the students about the importance of preparing and eating nutritious home cooked meals.


 Talk to blood bank employees.