Keep Children Safe

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How can I protect my children during a heatwave?
To protect children during a heatwave, it is essential to take several precautions to ensure their safety 
and well-being. Here are some key tips: 

- Keep them hydrated: 
Encourage children to drink water frequently and have it readily available, even before they ask for it. 

- Keep them cool: 
Stay in the shade, when possible, keep children hydrated with water, fruits, and vegetables, and have 
them wear breathable clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. Take breaks in cool places and never leave a 
child unsupervised in a car, regardless of the temperature. 

- Avoid outdoor activities during peak heat hours
Be attentive to outdoor activities scheduled for children, especially on hot days. Ensure there is a 
shaded area for cooling down during breaks and provide plenty of water. Consider rescheduling 
activities if the weather is too hot. 
Avoid going out during the hottest parts of the day between 11 AM-4 PM. Apply sunscreen with high 
SPF 30 minutes prior to going out and continue to reapply according to the package directions. Use 
sunglasses to protect against harmful UV rays. 

- Recognize Signs of Distress: 
Watch out for signs of heat-related illness in children, such as excessive sweating, dizziness, extreme 
thirst, headache and nausea, and behavioural changes. Taking these precautions and monitoring for 
distress signals will help prevent heat-related issues. 

 - Cooling Measures: 
When children feel hot, move them to a shaded area if outdoors but preferably move them to an 
airconditioned area indoors. Offer them refreshing fluids such as water or infused water, a cool bath, 
water mist, or swimming to cool down. Supervise them while swimming or in a cool bath to prevent accidents.