Vulnerable Persons

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Who is most at risk during a heatwave?

- Those living in poor housing and with low income.

- Pregnant persons
Pregnant persons are more susceptible to the eects of heat due to physiological changes during 
pregnancy that can impact their ability to regulate body temperature effectively. When exposed to 
extreme heat, pregnant persons may experience challenges in dissipating internal heat, leading to 
an increase in core body temperature. This temperature rise can potentially result in adverse outcomes for 
both the mother and the foetus, including dehydration, which impairs the body's cooling mechanisms 
like sweating. 

- Infants and children up to four years of age
Infants and young children have a higher metabolism and kidneys that are not fully mature, which 
can lead to dehydration more quickly, increasing their risk of heat-related illnesses when exposed to 
extreme heat. Additionally, infants have more sensitive skin, making them prone to sunburns, which 
can exacerbate heat-related issues. Unlike adults, infants cannot sweat effectively, and this impairs 
their ability to regulate body temperature, making them more susceptible to heat-related illnesses 
such as heat stroke.

- Older adults (over 65 years old)
Older adults aged 65 and above are more exposed to heat effects due to physiological changes that 
reduce their ability to regulate body temperature, pre-existing chronic health conditions that can be 
exacerbated by heat stress, medications that affect temperature regulation, cognitive decline impacting 
awareness of heat-related risks, and socioeconomic factors like limited access to cooling facilities.

- Overweight people

- People with chronic diseases such as heart failure, renal failure, diabetes, and mental health disorders.

- People living in heavily built environments. The urban environment in Malta, especially in the presence 
of concrete and the lack of mature trees, means that the temperature is often higher than in small villages.

- Outdoor workers. Due to constant exposure to heat.

- People who take certain medications such as certain types of antipsychotics and antihypertensives (N.B. 
never stop or change medications without consulting your doctor). 

 - Antipsychotics can change your regulation of heat, your ability to sense that you’re too hot and your 
ability to sweat. 
 - Antihypertensives like diuretics cause more water to be lost, which increases a person's susceptibility 
to the effects of heat.

How can we protect vulnerable relatives, neighbours, and friends like the elderly during a 

- Ensure Proper Hydration: 
Encourage elderly relatives to drink plenty of water and keep it easily accessible. The thirst 
mechanism may not work as effectively in older individuals, so they may need reminders to stay 

- Maintain Cool Environments: 
Ensure that air conditioning and fans are used during hot months to help older adults stay cool. If 
they are unable to leave their homes to cool down, make sure they have access to cooling, 
methods within their living spaces. Fans do not help in cooling above a temperature of 35˚C Ensure 
adequate maintenance and upkeep of air conditioning units before summer sets in. Ensure that 
these individuals remain in the coolest part of the house during the day and that they ventilate 
their house at night.

- Regular Communication:
Stay in regular contact with elderly and vulnerable people, especially if you do not live in the same 
area. Monitor their well-being by checking on them daily and ensuring they are coping well with 
the heat. 

- Medication Considerations: 
Be aware that certain medications can increase sensitivity to the heat, making older adults more 
prone to heat-related issues. Consult with healthcare providers about any necessary precautions 
for medication-related risks.