Notifiable Diseases

In terms of Article 27(a)(i) of the Public Health Act the Superintendent of Public Health has declared the below as notifiable diseases.

Infectious Diseases
1. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
2. Acute encephalitis
3. Acute flaccid paralysis
4. Anthrax
5. Antimicrobial Resistance
6. Bacterial meningitis, other than meningococcal
7. Botulism
8. Brucellosis
9. Campylobacteriosis
10. Chikungunya
11. Chlamydia infection
12. Cholera
13. Congenital rubella syndrome
14. COVID 19 (SARS/COV/2)
15. Cryptosporidiosis
16. Dengue Fever
17. Diphtheria
18. Dysentery (amoebic and bacillary)
19. Echinococcosis
20. Erysipelas
21. E. coli: Enterohaemorrhagic
22. Food borne illness; unspecified
23. Giardiasis
24. Gonococcal Infection
25. Granular conjunctivitis/trachoma
26. Haemophilus influenza group B
27. Hepatitis A
28. Hepatitis B
29. Hepatitis C
30. HIV
31. Influenza
32. Legionellosis
33. Leishmaniasis
34. Leprosy
35. Leptospirosis
36. Listeriosis
37. Louse borne relapsing fever
38. Malaria
39. Measles
40. Meningococcal disease
41. Monkeypox
42. Mumps
43. Nosocomial Infection (Hospital acquired infection)
44. Pertussis
45. Plague
46. Pneumococcal infection
47. Pneumonia
48. Poliomyelitis
49. Puerperal fever
50. Q-fever
51. Rabies
52. Rubella
53. Salmonellosis
54. Scarlet fever
55. Shigellosis
56. Smallpox
57  Sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS))
58. Syphilis
59. Tetanus
60. Toxoplasmosis
61. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies ( prion disease)
62. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, variant (v CJD)
63. Trichinosis
64. Tuberculosis
65. Tularaemia
66. Typhoid fever
67. Typhus
68. Varicella (chickenpox/herpes)
69. Viral haemorrhagic fever (Ebola, Lassa fever)
70. West Nile fever
71. Yellow fever
72. Yersinosis
73. Zika Virus