​Sexual Health Campaign​

Stop the rise of STIs Seminar

The Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate organized an evening seminar on the 26th of November at the Radisson Blu Resort, St. Julian’s. The overall aim of this seminar was to identify strategies, new methodology to address prevention and stop the rise in Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV among youths in Malta. Youngsters, several stakeholders and NGOs including Detox, Sedqa, Caritas GU clinic, Catholic Church representatives, Lawyers, Agenzija Appogg, LGBTIQ representatives and more) were invited to discuss the following objectives:

  •     To identify ‘new’ means/ways of how to engage people in safe sex.  
  •     To identify ‘new’ means/ways of how to reduce negative health consequences of risky  sexual behaviour in  view of STIs.  
  •     To explore the new social media spectrum in Malta among youths
  •     To identify why people especially the young generation do not seek STI testing  
  •     To identify strategies of how to promote STI prevention among the youths