Malta, represented by the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate, is participating in a European Union (EU) Joint Action ‘Care4Diabetes’ (2023 – 2026). The project is co-funded by the EU and is based on the programme ‘Reverse Diabetes2 Now’, a best practice developed by Voeding Left from The Netherlands. Through collaboration with 12 EU countries, the project will aim to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases by providing a multidisciplinary lifestyle treatment intervention for type 2 diabetes.

Given the high rates of Diabetes Mellitus in Malta, with around 10 percent of the population above 18 years estimated to be living with this condition, this study will aim to improve the health of people with Type 2 diabetes using the four main pillars; nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep, all under supervision and with the contribution of a multidisciplinary team (MDT). The scope of the project is to improve current practices of Type 2 Diabetes and foster lifestyle changes that will reduce the burden of Type 2 Diabetes and its related behaviours, both at societal and personal level.
The project will see participants following a six-month intensive phase and an after-care phase of 18 months. A medical screening will determine if participants meet the inclusion criteria for the project. Regular meetings with the MDT will safeguard the health and wellbeing of the participants.
Website - Care4Diabetes4JointAction (