World Diabetes Day

In line with the theme of World Diabetes Day 2019, Family and Diabetes, the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate (in collaboration with the Primary Health Department, Mater Dei Hospital, the Malta Diabetes Association and Plan H) held an outreach event to raise awareness on diabetes among the general public at Buskett Woodland on the 17th November 2019.  The public was educated on the benefits of a healthy diet, rich in fibre avoiding hidden sugars, and the importance of physical activity.  Moreover blood pressure and sugar testing was carried out.

The event consisted of:

• A display of fibre rich food and food rich in hidden sugar (for exhibition purposes only) manned by qualified nutritionists for educational advice;

• Physical activity classes (aerobics) and brisk walks, at intervals;

• Blood glucose and blood pressure testing;

• Diabetic educational advice;

• Selling of vegetables;

• And provision of health food samples.

An ambulance and crew were on stand-by for any eventuality.