
Salt consists of Sodium Chloride. Sodium has various physiological function for the human body such as fluid balance, nerve function and muscle contractions.
Excessive salt consumption leads to certain long-term diseases particularly hypertension and cardiovascular diseases but also certain cancers such as stomach cancer. Reducing salt intake can be beneficial for your wellbeing.

The World Health Organization recommends that adults consume less than 5 grams of salt per day.  Less than a 1 teaspoon a day.  Maintaining a balanced diet including fresh vegetables and fruits offer natural salts like Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, and other rich minerals that are present in the Mediterranean diet.  

Here are some practical tips to guide you reduce salt intake:
•    Read label
•    Cook and eat foods prepared at home 
•    Limit processed and highly processed food products 
•    Be cautious with condiments – check their salt content and choose low salt products
•    Rinse canned foods – choose products with no added or low amounts of salt/sodium
•    Avoid or limit cured and processed meat
•    Snack wisely – best choices are based on whole fruits and vegetables
•    Add more fruits and vegetables to your meals and snacks 
•    Be mindful when dining out
•    Stay well hydrated – water is best to quench thirst
•    Use herbs and spices to add flavour to your food that will taste great.  Be mindful 

Reducing salt intake gradually, will lead to a gradual decrease of your salt consumption.  Taste buds will adjust over time to appreciate the natural flavor of foods without depending on excessive salt.  If you suffer from underlying health conditions, consult with your healthcare professional or registered dietician or registered nutritionist. For further information go to