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Everyone experiences loneliness in their own unique way. This also means that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ strategy to beat loneliness. 

However, we have some ideas for when you feel like you need more company: 

  1. The first step is to admit to yourself and let yourself experience loneliness. This can feel odd, but sitting with the feeling and validating it can help you feel better. Loneliness is more common than you might think, so try talking to yourself with more kindness - as you would do with a friend. 
  2. Practice Self-Care: Don’t overlook the power of exercise, healthy food, proper sleep, sunshine, and even mindfulness and meditation for fighting loneliness. Taking the time to re-organise or improve your living space can also prove to be a nurturing activity. 
  3. Move your body: This helps to manage stress. Go for a run, a walk, a jog, or any kind of physical activity, and you'll get a little boost in your mood. Joining an exercise class, whether in person or online will help you to meet people whilst staying active. 
  4. Reach out and re-connect: Don’t be afraid to make that first step to give a friend or family member a call and suggest a catch-up over a coffee or a dinner. You may be surprised to see less has changed than you think! 
  5. Try something new: Look for groups or classes that focus on things that you'd like to do. By doing this, you are opening up opportunities to meet with people who understand and share your values, interests, and priorities. 
  6. Spend time with non-humans: Animals can help you feel more connected. They can help you reduce stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness. If you cannot adopt a pet, try to spend some time at an animal sanctuary. 
  7. Immerse yourself in culture: Malta's rich cultural scene could easily fill your schedule! Have a look at websites like Heritage Malta or Visit Malta for cultural initiatives and events that could interest you. 
  8. Volunteer for a cause: This connects you with the community around you and also helps you use your knowledge and experience to give something back to your community, building a stronger sense of purpose. 
  9. Visit a Local Council or Active Ageing Centre: Local Councils organize activities for locals, whilst each Active Ageing Centre offers a unique programme of activities including talks, outings, games, lifelong learning programmes and other sessions.